
Votre porte de garage réduit le risque d’effraction, même en hiver

Nous voici en hiver : les jours sont courts et il fait froid. Malheureusement, l’hiver est aussi la saison favorite des cambrioleurs. Il est difficile d’exclure totalement le risque d’effraction, mais une porte de garage antieffraction est déjà un grand pas dans la bonne direction.

Windows and doors have changed dramatically over the years, but time hasn’t exactly stood still in the sectional garage door sector either. In terms of security, an old up-and-over garage door bears no comparison with an automated sectional door.

Resistance class 2
The material your sectional garage door is made of is not as important as you might think. What does matter though is that your automated sectional door meets resistance class 2 to ensure that burglars are kept out long enough. Resistance classes will tell you how long a certain product or material can ‘stand up’ to anyone trying to make their way in.

Our automated sectional doors are fitted with an anti-lift device, which makes it impossible to open the door once closed. As an extra precaution, we prefer not to fit them with a manual lock to ensure that, from the outside, the garage door can only be opened electronically.

Outdoor lighting
For added security, you could always consider outdoor lighting or a sensor-operated motion detector light.